April 27

Logon scripts do not run for five minutes after a user logs on to a Windows 10 computer


A new Group Policy setting, “Configure Logon Script Delay,” that controls the behavior of logon scripts is stored in the following location:

Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Group Policy


If you want the logon scripts to run at user logon without any delay:  Disabled it:

Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Group Policy: Configure Logon Script Delay ==> Disabled

If you want to change the time that the Group Policy client waits until it runs the logon scripts, Enable it: you can set the time accordingly.

Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Group Policy: Configure Logon Script Delay ==> Enabled

Please see kb2895815

Category: Windows | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 8

Fix a Corrupted user profile in Windows

Problem: Windows can not boot to a user’s profile, it only boots to a temp profile.

Before you resolve the issue, log on to Windows by using another account that has administrative permissions, or restart in safe mode to log on with the built-in administrator account!!!

Please see this link



Category: Windows | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 10

How to run Nested Windows 2012 R2 Hyper-V in vSphere 6.5

When adding the Hyper-V role on a VM (Windows 2012R2),  you get an error message saying “Hyper-V cannot be installed: A hypervisor is already running”.

The Solution

1 add the following 2 lines at the bottom of the .vmx file. (Stop the VM. Download the vmx file, edit it with notepad, upload it to the VM folder)

vhv.enable = “TRUE”
hypervisor.cpuid.v0 = “FALSE”

2 Enable the following setting for the VM

3 Enable Vmware virtual switch Security Promiscuous mode, otherwise the Hyper-v created Virtual machine will have no network connection.




January 6

Windows 2012R2 Missing Power and Search Button On Start Screen


Problem:  A fresh installed Windows 2012R2 machine misses Power and Search Button On Start Screen. Tried to run the updates, but it made no differences.

Quick Fix:

1: download and install  : kb2919442

2: Run the Windows update again.  This time, the Windows update will download kb2919355. The Power and Search button will appear after applying this update.