SYSVOL Status Inaccessible In Group Policy Management Console
Problem: SYSVOL status inaccessible in group policy management console
Solutions: one or a few of the group policy objects might be corrupted.
Go to each group policy object, and check its status, fix the corrupted ones.
For example, picture below shows that policy001 is the one that has the problem. Delete it and recreate a new one.
a New Windows 10 Created User: taking long time to login
Windows 10, Newly created user: First login, “This might take several minutes…” “It’s taking a bit longer than expected, but we’ll get there as fast as we can”
You can wait a long time 15-3o mins to create this user. Login as the new user, the task bar is not accessible.
Reason: the default user profile is corrupted.
1 using a working account, login as Admin,
2 rename c:\users\ default folder as default.old (you need to enable “show hidden files, folder, and drivers” to see the default folder)
3 unzip this default profile to c:\users to replace the corrupted default profile folder.
4 reboot the computer.
5 create a new user account.
How to tell what version of Windows is installed on a hard drive if windows can not boot?
Check this file system root /Windows/System32 folder for a file called “ntoskrnl.exe”
Right click to check the properties
You will find the product version
4.x: NT 4.x
5.0: Windows 2000
5.1: Windows XP
5.2: Windows 2003 Server or Windows XP-64-bit
6.0: Windows Vista
6.1: Windows 7
6.2; Windows 8
6.3: Windows 8.1
10: Windows 10
Change a hijacked Safari Settings
Problems: A hijacked Safari, it opens pop-up windows, you can not close it.
Quit the application. Force quit if necessary.
Open it by holding down the shift key and clicking its icon in the Dock. From the menu bar, select
Safari ▹ Preferences… ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data
You might want to run a virus scan on the infected mac.
Change MTU settings in Windows
How to Read Windows Worn off Product Keys
1 Download Key Generator unclear key finder. This is a php file, put the characters you are not sure about in the arrays.
the only possible characters are these (others are rejected): 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B C D F G H J K M P Q R T V W X Y
For example, TGTVX-QXBBJ-MJBMF-PBB4R-FMTT6 (if you are not sure if the last digit is 6 or G, you can use array(“G”, “6”), in the script)
2 Upload the finished php file to the root of your web site, then type yoururl/test.php in your web browser, it will generate all the possible keys.
3 Copy all the keys to a text file, and then using excel to convert it to a text file that has one key per line.
4 Download Ultimate PID Checker
5 Select the product and link the converted text file to PID checker.
6 Pay attention to the result, it will display the correct key info if it “finds” the valid key.
Unlock Hard Drive ATA Password
This method works only if the BIOS generates a error code after entering a wrong HDD password 3 times.
1 download hreset.exe
2 create a boot-able USB disk using Rufus and place hreset.exe in the drive.
3 boot the computer and get into DOS mode and enter the following command ( hrreset the error code 0; option 2)
4 use the generated code to unlock the hard drive in BIOS (for example, in this case, 4DWTL8L)
How to Fix Cisco Solid Green Syst LED light No Connection No Console
The Problem:
I have a Cisco Switch 3750e. The Syst Led is solid green after reboot. It was working fine untill it was rebooted.
The Cause:
It is the hardware, the memory component.
A temporary fix?
Open the case and remove the heat sink.
Use a hot gun to heat up the memory components for about 5-10 mins. This will “reflow” the solder connections on the chips.
Here is more info if you would like to read.
Good luck!
Windows 10 Can Not Access Sysvol and Netlogon
Why: Windows 10 became more securely, so you can’t access sysvol & netlogon shares via UNC paths
Solution: Edit Group Poilicy
Computer -> Administrative Templates -> Network -> Network Provider -> Hardened UNC Paths, enable the policy and click “Show” button.
Enter your server name (\\servername) into “Value name” and enter the following text RequireMutualAuthentication=0,RequireIntegrity=0,RequirePrivacy=0 into the “Value” field.