Basic Cisco Switch Configuration Checklist 4: Vlans and Trunks
Create Vlans
- Vlan 50
Name VLans
- name SALES
Assign Ports to Vlans
- int gi1/0/22
- switchport mode access
- switchport access vlan 50
Assign an ip address to vlan
- interface vlan 50
- ip address
- no shutdown
Note : to assign multiple ports interface range g1/0/10-20
to avoid switchport becoming trunk port switchport mode access
- show vtp status
- vtp domain abc
- vtp mode server (transparent, client)
show run command does not display the vtp info if vtp is not in transparent mode, here is the reason:
…a VLAN database was introduced into Cisco IOS Software as a method to immediately save VTP updates for VTP clients and servers. In some versions of software, this VLAN database is in the form of a separate file in NVRAM, called the vlan.dat file. You can view VTP/VLAN information that is stored in the vlan.dat file for the VTP client or VTP server if you issue the show vtp status command.
VTP server/client mode switches do not save the entire VTP/VLAN configuration to the startup config file in the NVRAM when you issue the copy running-config startup-config command on these systems. It saves the configuration in the vlan.dat file. This does not apply to systems that run as VTP transparent. VTP transparent systems save the entire VTP/VLAN configuration to the startup config file in NVRAM when you issue the copy running-config startup-config command.
Configure a trunk port
- interface g1/0/23
- switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q (for older switches)
- switchport mode trunk
- switchport nonegeotiate
To check Trunk or Vlan info
note: show cdp neighbors
Show interface trunk
show int g1/0/10 trunk
show run
show vlan
show interfaces g1/0/23 switchport (to check a interface status, trunk, etc)
Basic Cisco Switch Configuration Checklist 3 Port Security
- int g1/0/24
- switchport mode access
- switchport port-security maximum 1
- switchport port-security violation shutdown (protect, restrict)
To enable the function Type: switchport port-security
To check a port security status type: show port-security (show port-security int g1/0/24 for detailed info)
To bring a port from a shutdown state:
- int g1/0/24
- shutdown
- no shutdown
Basic Cisco Switch Configuration Checklist 2
Configuring SSH on a Cisco Device
- Create hostname hostname abc
- Configure a Domain name ip domain-name
- Generate encryption keys crypto key generate rsa -> How many bits in the modulus [512]:
- Enable SSH version 2 ip ssh version 2
- Create local user account(s) username Peter secret password
- line vty 0 4
- Allow telnet or ssh transport input telnet ssh
- Enable local login login local
- Write mem
Basic Cisco Switch Configuration Checklist 1
- Hostname
conf t
hostname abc
no IP domain-lookup
- Console password
line con 0
password abcd
logging sync
- Telnet password
line vty 0 4
password abcd
exec-timeout 0 0 (minutes seconds, 0 means unlimited)
(exec-timeout ? ? to set a time for admin console to log off)
line vty o4
login local
(this will use the local account to log into the system)
use the following command to create a local user
conf t
username John secret abc123
- Enable security password
enable secret abc (encrypted password for console and telnet to enter/enable privilege mode)
enable password abc (clear text, no encrypted password for console and telnet to enter/enable privilege mode)
If none above enabled, a user can log into console and access the privilege mode without using a password. A Telnet user can use the telnet password to access and enter the privilege mode.
- Management (VLAN) IP address
interface vlan 1
ip address
no shutdown
- Default gateway
switch(config)#ip default-gateway
- Shutdown (disable not used ports)
interface g3/0/24
- Logon Banner
Banner motd ^abc^
- Saving configurations
copy running-config startup-config
Write mem
note : service password-encryption (encrypt lin con & line vty pw)
show ip interface brief
show run (do show run)
show ip route